Plot: The Mumbai-based Programme Director of Maa TV, Bunty Govil, gets into a physical confrontation with Mukesh, injures him so badly that he is hospitalized. In order to evade confrontation with Mukesh's father, Tambi Swami, he accepts an assignment in Kulu Manali in Himachal Pradesh. Once there he meets with and falls in love with a lovely Sanyasan, Vaishali, who also eventually falls in love with him. Shortly thereafter he wants to return home but his father, Chander Mohan, forbids him to do so as Tambi and his goons are on the lookout for him. Then Bunty's world turns upside down when Vaishali is abducted by unknown person(s), and he must use all his resources to find out her whereabouts; why she chose to be a Sanyasan, and who abducted her. 

Director: Puri Jagannadh
Writers: Nawab Arzoo (lyrics), Puri Jagannadh (dialogue)
Stars: Allu Arjun, Hansika Motwani, Pradeep Singh Rawat 
Genre: Action | Crime | Drama 

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